Instant 0 in the Universe
"...Sudden Stars"
Jaunty Monty and the Bubbles of Silence
Good is Me
Mass Riff
unidentified song
"...Sudden Stars"
Sweet smelling essences
Absent smiles, sweet kisses
Movements towards me
End the race, reverie
Velvet skin
Treasured dreams
Silk and gold
Nuit d'amour
Naked soul
After such disturbance
Come to me, precious being, come to me
After such ennui
Come to me, delicious, import(?) me
After such a long drought
Here a place for flowers to flourish
But if you must,
And if you must,
If you must go, go--
The wind will take you
It will lift you
Across the ocean
Into the sky
Towards the sun
It will take you, high--
So if you must,
And if you must,
If you must go, go--
Sweet smelling wind
L'amour de ma vie
When you're ready
Mon bel amour
Simply come to me.
Jaunty Monty and the Bubbles of Silence
You walked in
Through a door
Got inside
Sweet Angel
A bit too hastily
I asked you
Wait for me
I'm slow to
Turn around
And I wasn't ready
Don't shatter
Love is so precious
Hold together
You are on the path
To your aim
Don't pull the roots
They are nourishing
So are the fruits
As regard (we gasp?)
the leaves' oxygen
You walked in
Through a door
Got inside
I asked you
Wait for me
I'm slow to
Turn inside.
Good is Me
I am good, therefore good is me
He is not me therefore he's not good
I am good, therefore good is me
He's not me therefore he's not good
I am good, therefore good is me
He is not me therefore he is not good
Our norms are good
Good are our norms
Theirs aren't ours
Therefore are not good
Our God is true
True is our God
Their God's not ours
So is not true
Inpossible to consider
Reality of the other
Other people's institutions
Not better or worse than other
I am good, therefore good is me
He's not me therefore he's not good
Mass Riff
The only rampart against war
The only and real force of change
The one that can counter horror
Is to increase the capacity
Is to magnify the potential
Is to enhance capability
Of action of all the people
To decide for humanity
Is to increase the capacity
Is to magnify the potential
Their dracula to...???...
of the essence of existence,
and so convey ??governity??,
to open up, ??face to a work??
the jugular, to..???...
of the essence of existence,
and so convey ??governity??,
their dracula to open up.
unidentified song
Tout est finitude et recommencement
La nature a des cycles
Eternel changement
Ça s'est fini
C'est bien fini
Oui c'est fini maintenant
C'est ça la vie
Qui continue
On croirait du changement
Il a choisi la vie
La [vitesse???] c'est fini
Cours ...???
[???] s'est déchiré
C'est bien fini
Oui c'est fini la vie
Arrête maintenant
C'est ça la vie
Qui continue
On croirait du changement
Tout est finitude et recommencement
Tout est finitude et recommencement
Tant pis
Ah, qu'est-ce qu'on est bête!
On avait tout pour être heureux...
Tant pis
Too late...
Quel est ce vide dans notre tête?
Too late
C'est bête...
On avait tout pour être heureux...
On s'est convenu
Sans résister
Leur vie n'est que
Des émotions
Serrés serrés
De jour en jour
On le savait pourtant
Que la lumière
Est un travail qui passe
Par l'émotion
On s'est convenu
Sans résister
Leur opinion
Des émotions
On aurait dû
L'ouvrir en grand
Et souhaitait les
Prises de consciences
Passage de l'inconscient
Au conscient
Passage de l'inertie
Au mouvement
Too bad
Forget it!
Ah, we are such jerks!
We had everything necessary to be happy...
Too bad
Forget it!
Too late...
What is this emptiness in our head?Too bad
Too late
It's stupid...
We had everything necessary to be happy...
We agreed,
Without resisting
Their life is nothing but
Tightly tucked away
From day by day,
We knew however
That light
Is a labour channelled
Through emotion
We agreed,
Without resisting
their opinion,
We should have
Opened it widely
And wished for some
Going from unconsciousness
To consciousness
Going from inertia
To movement